Alright, so I swore I was going to start this blogging thing up again now that I have high speed internet. Since I have done pretty much nothing but be on the internet the last two days reading other peoples' (people's?, suddenly English classes seem so far away) blogs, it might be time to start mine again.
First of all, I started Pinterest this week. When I first went on, I saw that I had to be invited and thought to myself "What if they decide that they don't want me?" Then I decided that if they didn't want me I didn't want to be on there anyway. Now that I have spent the last two days on there finding all kinds of cool stuff, I think "Kinda wish they had rejected me because I absolutely did not need something this addictive in my life. After all, I already HAD facebook." Holy cow is that site ever becoming a compulsion! Plus, I feel very A.D.D. I spent several hours moving farther and farther from whatever I had originally looking at. Of course, it has also inspired me to do a few things. I gave myself a yogurt hair mask after reading several articles about do-it-yourself spa treatments.
I had no idea how many cool things were out there! I have a friend who is both a fellow SIDS mom and one of the ones who kind of convinced me to start blogging. When I had told her that I started blogging, she informed me that meant I had to start following others and commenting on their blogs as well. At first that seemed so daunting and time consuming. It also scared me a wee bit. Now that I've actually started reading several blogs, I even started a bookmark folder for some of my favorites, I see why you would do that. When you post things, if there are no comments you feel like maybe you didn't post it after all. Like it disappeared into the ether. I have a feeling it's going to be just as time consuming as I originally thought, but I don't think that it will be quite the arduous task I was originally worried it would be.
I started following the Bloggess, Jenny Lawson, several months ago and have come to really appreciate the world of social media. I can see the difference it can make. She talks about her panic attacks. She talks about her depression. She even brought to light that she sometimes self-harms. She makes a difference and if I can make just one person feel better about what they're going through the way that she does, I will consider this a success.
Just had to post that. Is it germain to the blog? Nope. Welcome to my mind. Hehehe
Have a good night, day, whatever time of day it might be where you are.